Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Desire

I've been struggling and searching for my place in this world. I won't lie--I do have the best job in the world. Staying home with my sweet Dax allows me the chance to enjoy (and stress over) every minute of his little life. I mean--you know--since I'm a SAHM, I've got tons of time on my hands. All I do is sit around and sew and bake delicious homemade goodies, my son eats only organic food, I am an avid mommy-blogger, and I promise I will drive a minivan someday. I'm well-rested because my baby sleeps all night and has been since the moment he was born, I lost all my baby weight (and then some) two weeks after my son was born, I wash my hair every single day, and I go on weekly date nights with my hubby. Wish your life was like mine? Yeah, I wish my life was like mine, too!

In reality, some days I am overcome with wondering--Am I a good enough Christian, wife, mother? Am I really doing all I can to provide all I can for all who need me and depend on me? What about the world? The world filled with people who are dying and going to Hell? What am I doing about that? These questions began to weigh on my heart at the end of last year. 2014 was coming to a close, and I was desperately searching for what I'd accomplished spiritually during 2014. As 2015 began to dawn, my heart began to open and long for an opportunity to share with women different things God placed on my heart. My biggest issue is struggling with the thought, "is what I have to say worthwhile?" That thought has been rolling around in my mind over the last several days...until last night. I was sitting in our women's Bible study at church listening to Beth Moore speak through session 8 of her Children of the Day study when the Lord laid something on my heart. He reminded me of two summers ago when I had the opportunity to speak to the girls at Crossway Baptist Youth Camp. I spoke on how to become a Wise Woman of Worth. This topic became very dear to my heart as I began to break down and dig into Proverbs 31. What does it mean to be wise? How do I translate wisdom into teenage years and then allow that wisdom to mature into adulthood? How and where do I find my worth as a woman. As I was preparing to lead that study encouraged me, and like we always do when we study the Bible, I found so much "meat" in Proverbs 31. This meat is one that we can chew on, savor, swallow, and feel its effects long after the flavor leaves our mouths. What better meat to devour than that of finding wisdom?

So, my desire in writing this study is that you will grow and become so full with the richness of Proverbs 31. And that you, my friend, will embrace what it means to be a Wise Woman of Worth.

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